Alright here is a little people update. So far every stage is fun. Seems they have good and bad parts to them. Sometimes I wish they would stay a little longer and other times I can't wait to see them pass.
Maddux is starting to sleep through the night! Hallelujah!!! Putting himself to bed is still a long way off though. I have to be right next to him (in his toddler bed) and he wraps his arms around my neck and smiles, like he is saying your not going anywhere til I'm asleep mom.Then he drifts peacefully off. It's pretty sweet so I haven tried breaking him of it.
Jadyn always has some interesting thing going on. Right now it includes catching fireflies for Maddux and smashing food into her dolls mouth. My children this very instant are chasing the garbage man yelling bye bye. They do it every tue. They actually play pretty good together right now. Jadyn likes to take care of Maddux but she also likes controlling him. I couldn't find Maddux for like 20 min one day and I went in the kitchen and he was in this lunch box. Jadyn calls our baby
Bode pup. His name is Bodey, (not sure on the spelling yet) but his middle name is not going to be pup. :) And as you can see from the baby bump he is dropped. Well thats my little people update. Next is our house (if i can find the time) so stay tuned. :)