This is Jadyn ready for church. She is not always as precious as she looks though. Sometimes and sometimes not. Her and Maddux have been getting in same major wars lately. I would really like to put her in pre-school, so that they don't spend every second of every day together. Other than fights with Maddux, she is doing good. She is a sunbeam now and loves primary. She was having some nightmares at night and coming in our bed every night for awhile. I stopped letting her watch everything except Dora and she started sleeping again. She won't let us turn off her lamp though because of monsters and sleeps with it on all night long. She eats more than I do. She thinks that she is getting a new baby brother and wants to name him Brenley. Isn't that a girl name? She wants to cut her hair like Dora. She thinks if you eat your boogers you die. She has a small obsession with my make-up and lotions. She thinks she needs every pair of shoes at target and a pink and a purple jeep. She has the conversation skills of a 6 year old. She has tantrums like a 1 year old. She is getting big.