Bodey got immunizations and has been super fussy past 2 days. I didn't make it to the gym once this week. Exercising is my outlet and when I don't get to go I get frustrated. Pat has been traveling this week which puts an extra load on me. The things I miss the most are him picking Jadyn up from preschool on his way home for lunch and help putting kids to bed. Tonight after a long day of yelling they all 3 went to bed crying. Im feeling guilty and overwhelmed. We signed up to make cupcakes for a mom lunch for preschool tomorrow. It turned into a disaster, Bodey kept grabbing the spoon and throwing stuff off the counter. Maddux kept eating the marshmallows and Jadyn was getting way to crazy with the icing. To top the night off a member of the bishopric called to ask if I could give a 15 min. talk on 'being a example of a believer' in church next week. 15 min are you kidding me? I cant even give a 2 min talk. Of course I said yes. The house is a big mess. Thats all. I just wanted to document the bad with the good.