(im not saying we are having another kid, im just saying their hair trips me out.)
We spent 4 hours at our favorite splash park today. It was ridicilous.
Jadyn had her last soccer game. This is her and her friend Emily. And yes Jadyn is pretty tall for her age, but Emily is also short. (In case you wondering why she looks like a giant in this pic. )They are playing T-ball next.
The more children... the more complicated life gets. The funner too I might add. But this is how they go in the bike stroller. They look crammed, but trust me they have smiles on their faces the whole way. I ran and Pat pulled them, it was fun cause they cheer me on. "Come on mommy, catch up" (we didn't go very far)
Yes he was sucking on his toe! I love babys. But you already know that about me don't ya?
And last but not least, naughty Mr. Sprinkle Face. This kid is sneaky and fast. He can make a mess before you can count to 3. And he lives for sugar.
I like my kids, I really do. But again you already knew that too, didn't ya?