Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jadyn is continually stealing my baby. I turn my back for one second and he's gone. I find him places like this. In bed with Jadyn sucking on her finger and don't forget his giraffe. He can't be without it (according to her)
I ask her if she can get Bodey a diaper. Sure she says. 2 min later I look at Bodey and find this.
I thought it would wear off after the first couple days. But I think she might be obsessed.
She must hold him while watching a movie.
And I keep finding him in the doll crib.
Sometimes I hear her whispering sweet nothings to him. Other things I hear are: "I wouldn't ever drop you or let Maddux hurt you, do you want your giraffe? Oh bodey, bodey"