Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I just needed to pause this moment in time.

It takes 3 hours to get ready to go to the library. But I love them. I do.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Holding Up The Fort

Pat has been working in the town we are moving to for the past couple weeks. We have gone a couple times, but 3 kids in a hotel gets old really quick. So we came back home til we move.

Jadyn wants everyone to know that it's summer. So don't forget the sunscreen!

Maddux however was not the happiest camper this day. He is very sensitive to noise and they were trying to fix the splash park and making alot of noise. He never even got in the water.

Sawyer and Jadyn. She loves to drag him around. He usually doesn't seem to mind. They're concentrating on the overweight man with a plumbers crack who was fixing the water.

I love Bodeys little body. He is still just sweet. Bodey don't grow up.

Im not sure Jadyn is my daughter. She is just such a goober.

Microwave popcorn is so fascinating isn't it?

Bodey got his first haircut. He was so cute. He just sat there.

We have a really cute mainstreet with cute little shops and this haircutting place is awesome my kids love the cars.

Maddux got a haircut too and then they sprayed his hair green.....Without even asking me, what the heck? Maddux thought it was the coolest thing ever, so whatever.

And this is our yard. I mowed it today and I just wanted to let my husband know that I deserve lots of shiny little sparkly things. At least a new pair of shoes. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jadyns Deep Thoughts

Jadyn: Mom, how did heavenly father make the sun? Did he get a bunch of fire and squish it into a ball and then use the extra pieces to make sticks and put them around it?

Jadyn: Mom, Sierra has 2 moms. How does she have 2 moms?
Me: She has a step mom and a mom cause her mom and dad got divorced and then her dad got re-married.
Jadyn: What? You can get remarried?

You can only imagine where the conversation went from there.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Someone ran over a possum on our street. A possum isn't that cool. Why I decided to take a picture of road kill? Im not sure.

Me and my nikes went for a 6 mile run today. Thats the longest we have been since Bodey was born, yes he is 9 months, yes this is sad. The boulder run is 1 week away and I think it will be harder to run this year than last year at 7 months preganant. Due to 1 reason: lack of training!

And I had to take a picture of our possible new town. Scot City. She gives me new meaning to small town. The few people that do live there are quite possibly the friendliest people on earth.

I gave the grocery store a try, not only did they insist and i mean insist on taking my grocerys to the car. The bagger also buckled Maddux into his car seat, while I was buckling in Bodey. Crazy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maddux asks at least 3 times a day. "Mommy those squirrels nice?"
"Ya their nice but they probably won't let you pet them."
"Do they have teeth?"
"Yes Maddux they have teeth, but they won't bite you"
10 min later he repeats the question. "Mommy those squirrels nice?"

Today Jadyn convinced Maddux to play house. She had the table set and she had him sitting at the table. She was scooping big spoonfulls of sour cream into his bowl. I asked her what exactly she thought she was doing? She said, were playing house and were having yogurt for dinner. I let Maddux taste the yogurt before I helped them out. It was funny.

Bodey has a rash and looks like a lepar.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

For our Daddy

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Preschool Graduation

As promised I took a ton of pics. These first ones I took before. The plan was to get a a cute one of Jadyn, but Maddux wanted to be in them too so they sort of turned out like engagement photos. lol. Oh well.

I did not tell them to kiss each other.

Nor did I tell Jadyn to pose like this. They are goobers.

I didn't upload in a very organized manner. This is the end.

This is Ms. Randy Jadyn loves her!

This is Mrs. Jamye Jadyn loves her too!

Thanks for the flowers grandma and grandpa Cheever.
The video is my favorite. It is a little sad that she is growing up so fast, but I do have to say it just keeps getting funner. I love this girl!
And if you want my 2 cents on preschool.... at first I had a hard time paying for it but I think it will make kindergarten easier to go to next year (for me). I loved the Y they did swimming lessons and gymnastics too killing 3 birds with 1 stone. I loved her teachers. My one complaint would be paying $17 for the graduation gown, come on it's preschool.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

"A good woman knows that she does not have enough time, energy, or opportunity to take care of all of the people or do all of the worthy things her heart yearns to do. Life is not calm for most women, and each day seems to require the accomplishment of a million things, most of which are important. A good woman must constantly resist alluring and deceptive messages from many sources telling her that she is entitled to more time away from her responsibilities and that she deserves a life of greater ease and independence. But with personal revelation, she can prioritize correctly and navigate this life confidently." - Julie Beck

I stole this from someone else but I liked it I thought it deserved a mothers day post.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Had A Bad Day

Bodey got immunizations and has been super fussy past 2 days. I didn't make it to the gym once this week. Exercising is my outlet and when I don't get to go I get frustrated. Pat has been traveling this week which puts an extra load on me. The things I miss the most are him picking Jadyn up from preschool on his way home for lunch and help putting kids to bed. Tonight after a long day of yelling they all 3 went to bed crying. Im feeling guilty and overwhelmed. We signed up to make cupcakes for a mom lunch for preschool tomorrow. It turned into a disaster, Bodey kept grabbing the spoon and throwing stuff off the counter. Maddux kept eating the marshmallows and Jadyn was getting way to crazy with the icing. To top the night off a member of the bishopric called to ask if I could give a 15 min. talk on 'being a example of a believer' in church next week. 15 min are you kidding me? I cant even give a 2 min talk. Of course I said yes. The house is a big mess. Thats all. I just wanted to document the bad with the good.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life is Good

And every time life seems too good..... get ready to be humbled. And get ready for a trial. Most likely we will be moving pretty soon. And I am so so sad! But not yet so until then life is good. It's great.
I love this one. We might have to try this bench again, when they're not in their swimming suits.

It still is so weird to me that they all have the exact same color of hair. What if we have another kid and it has different hair?
(im not saying we are having another kid, im just saying their hair trips me out.)

We spent 4 hours at our favorite splash park today. It was ridicilous.

Jadyn had her last soccer game. This is her and her friend Emily. And yes Jadyn is pretty tall for her age, but Emily is also short. (In case you wondering why she looks like a giant in this pic. )They are playing T-ball next.
The more children... the more complicated life gets. The funner too I might add. But this is how they go in the bike stroller. They look crammed, but trust me they have smiles on their faces the whole way. I ran and Pat pulled them, it was fun cause they cheer me on. "Come on mommy, catch up" (we didn't go very far)

Yes he was sucking on his toe! I love babys. But you already know that about me don't ya?

And last but not least, naughty Mr. Sprinkle Face. This kid is sneaky and fast. He can make a mess before you can count to 3. And he lives for sugar.
I like my kids, I really do. But again you already knew that too, didn't ya?