Monday, September 13, 2010

What to do about a mean kid?

Jadyn told me 2 storys tonight that bother me and keep me up late blogging. She said that she asked a girl at recess if she could play and sometimes the girl said yes and sometimes the girl said no and that about made her cry. Then she told me that another kid didnt think her running shoes were cute and that about made her cry too.

So I told her that sometimes kids were mean and to make sure that she was never mean and to be nice to everyone. And I told her I was sorry and that I thought her running shoes were cute and that not everyone thinks the same things are cute.

But if you want to know how I really feel... I feel like hiding in a bush close to the playground and when I find the girl that told her she couldnt play with her at recess I would like to rip all her hair out. And when I find the boy that told her, her running shoes were ugly. I would like to kick him in the balls and tell him if he ever makes her cry again i will rip them out.

(jadyn loves school and she has lots of nice storys too)