Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hi. Nothing new really. The weather is pretty nice here. Jadyn went through a big growth spurt. Not many of her winter clothes are fitting, but its not quite nice enough to wear spring clothes. I dont want to buy new winter clothes so I send her to school in pants that are too short. Oh well. As for school, she loves it... but do you think she learned a thing this year?... I dont. Sort of frustrating. We continue to practice reading at home.

Maddux. Maddux continues to play ball 7 hours a day. He throws his basketball off the walls off  Bodey, off Jadyn.  I cant wait til he is old enough to actually play on a team. He is a pretty good helper. He will put his laundry away, make his bed when asked ect... He still is a extremely picky eater.

Bodey still sleeps with us. I gave up on the idea of trying to move him to his crib. He is a tornado through our house. His favorite part of the day is going to pet some horses a couple blocks from us. We pet them almost every day.

The kids beg to have family home evening almost every night. We usually just pick any day of the week and have it. They argue over what song we are going to sing and are never quiet when saying the prayer. Mostly they just love the treats. We have been going to all of the highschool basketball games here. The kids play with Kiana (an 11 year old girl) one of our friends kids. And its actually a very relaxing hour and a half.