Thursday, March 3, 2011

Conversations With My Daughter

Before bed I always lay with Jadyn. This is the best time to talk to her, because she will tell me anything and everything if it prolongs her going to sleep.


Jadyn "Did heavenly father make the bad people too?"

Me "Heavenly father just made people.Its our decision if we want to make good choices or bad choices"

Jadyn "Making good choices is like saying your prayers, not saying bad words."

Me "Yep"

Jadyn "Mom, Dad said a bad word when he was on the phone. It's in my head but im not going to say it. It starts with a S and ends with a D."

Me (silently in my head trying to think up a bad word that starts with a S and ends with a D)

Jadyn whispers "Stupid"

Me "oh"

 (lucky Pat he only got a small spank on the butt for that one)