Monday, September 26, 2011


Sometimes I feel a great need to document.... blog. Other times not so much.
Just FYI. If you don't read every word of my blog, we can still be friends. Not offended in any way, this blog is mostly just for me.

Pat is traveling every other week to Concordia. Seems he is always working, if he is not traveling, he is trying to catch up on work here. .
School has gotten better for Jadyn. She no longer crys at night because she HATES school. She learned how to eat lunch faster and is no longer scared of getting left in the lunchroom. Sounds humorous. But really she was terrified. She even let me drop her off on the curb today, walked all the way across the cross walk and into the school, alone. This independence will give us ten more minutes of sleep in the morning, since we won't have to park and walk her in anymore. Sweet!
Maddux always says he loves preschool and "I had fun today momma" after I pick him up. But it is usually a 2 minute struggle to get him out of the car and into preschool in the morning. Once I get him in the school, he is perfectly fine.
Bodey, oh Bodey. He is full into his little 2 year old self. Every statement, question or suggestion is answered with "NO!" Joy. He throws a fit every time I change his diaper, try to feed him dinner or get him in pajamas.
He can talk very well. Every one comments on how much he is talking. I'd just like him to be quiet every now and then. Last Sunday he insisted on having a piece of sacrament bread, after giving him one piece he threw it into Sister Dentons hair who was sitting in front of us. He was mad because he wanted to get it himself. Love 2 year olds.