Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Enjoy The Words

Documentation. It's bad. I know. Priorities. Blogging not being one of them lately. There has not been alot picture taking around here lately, so you'll have to enjoy the words. Where to begin? We moved across town. Really it should be it's own blog. I wanted to remember all of the sweet friends who helped us. Sister Yager stayed til 1 in the morning to watch kids, while we cleaned out the old rental. Brother yager helping til the very end despite trying to hide being really really tired. Dinner from 2 friends. My in-laws coming to help unpack. How did we get so blessed. And the house, It's really beautiful. I feel thankful everytime I pull in the garage. Really love the house, and wish we had bought it, not just renting it. I have an empty cupboard in my kitchen. Amazing! Jadyn and Maddux have been doing gymnastics. Jadyn really likes it alot. Maddux has his days were he does not want to go. I don't think I will sign him up again next month. Jadyn keeps us busy. Next month we are doing dance and a jewelry making class the school offers. Some days I feel as if all we do is run her around. Maddux (my normally easy child) has been not so easy lately. Threw a fit at the elementary school today, when I walked two feet away from him. And then threw another fit when some neighbors stopped by to say, "welcome to the neighborhood." He doesn't adapt to change very well. My Grandma Mortensen died and we drove to Colorado for her funeral. My Dad is the youngest of seven brothers, so it was a large funeral. She was 96 years old and spent the last 15 years of her life in a wheel chair. We know that we will see my grandma again and we're happy that she was able to move on to the next life. I'm thankful for the knowledge that familys can be together forever. Bodey has been sick with a fever. I have been asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting on sunday. Am always busy with primary. Pat has been doing alot of interviews, trying to hire some new employees. 

Here are the few pictures I have of this month. Sad.

 They don't fight over water. This amazes me. They love to brush their teeth together.
 I was begging Jadyn for a picture. She said ok but only with her puppy.
So I got a picture with her puppy coming out of her shirt. She puts animals in her shirt like this all the time. Their heads sticking out.

 The seven brothers
 Our family, my mom wanted a picture of everyone before Kyle leaves on his mission in 2 weeks.
The brothers in my life.