Monday, September 23, 2013

A monday

I almost titled this post a Monday- blah. But that would have been a very hpocritcal post with my new header that suggests you should not wish away your days. That being said today was a bit blah but I would not wish it away. Sometimes it's the blah days that make the magical days seem so magical.

Bodeys fourth day with a fever. I called the doctor and they were full and suggested I wait til tomorrow and try again. Blah.

Jadyn informed me a classmate was talking about completely inappropriate things at school today! This leaves me with a visit to the school tomorrow. Double blah. I am completely appalled at some parents these days!

I realized a tiny portion of what kind of evil my very own children have to stand up against. It's truly a different world than I grew up in. It's heartbreaking.

Maddux went to football practice, I love to watch him play.

Tomorrow is a new day. Hooray for that.