My children and my husband were irritating me tonight. I spent the entire day trying to clean up the house. Bodey helped me do dishes for at least 2 hours today. Not joking. We have fruit flies and they drive me Insane. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning in laundry and dishes and no one will throw me a life jacket. 9 o' clock came and I still had a dirty house, plus none of my children were in bed. I became extremely irritated with everyone.
A picture I took earlier today. He was being a really really good helper. Bless him.
I'm still trying to wind down. So I sit here and look at pictures of Keppy Baby and I remember why I am doing this. Thank Heaven for this baby. Seeriously I love him.... and all of them. But holding Keppy calms my soul. Please don't grow. Please please!!