Friday, May 21, 2010


Someone ran over a possum on our street. A possum isn't that cool. Why I decided to take a picture of road kill? Im not sure.

Me and my nikes went for a 6 mile run today. Thats the longest we have been since Bodey was born, yes he is 9 months, yes this is sad. The boulder run is 1 week away and I think it will be harder to run this year than last year at 7 months preganant. Due to 1 reason: lack of training!

And I had to take a picture of our possible new town. Scot City. She gives me new meaning to small town. The few people that do live there are quite possibly the friendliest people on earth.

I gave the grocery store a try, not only did they insist and i mean insist on taking my grocerys to the car. The bagger also buckled Maddux into his car seat, while I was buckling in Bodey. Crazy.