Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maddux asks at least 3 times a day. "Mommy those squirrels nice?"
"Ya their nice but they probably won't let you pet them."
"Do they have teeth?"
"Yes Maddux they have teeth, but they won't bite you"
10 min later he repeats the question. "Mommy those squirrels nice?"

Today Jadyn convinced Maddux to play house. She had the table set and she had him sitting at the table. She was scooping big spoonfulls of sour cream into his bowl. I asked her what exactly she thought she was doing? She said, were playing house and were having yogurt for dinner. I let Maddux taste the yogurt before I helped them out. It was funny.

Bodey has a rash and looks like a lepar.