Monday, October 4, 2010

i need to journal, document, whatever. in portland. going home tomorrow. spent 4 days here with pat.

forgot the camera. pat says that people are too woried about capturing the moment these days rather than enjoying the moment. he has a point, but i still like to capture the moment (truely just for myself) (and for your viewing pleasure if you care) so i was bummed about the camera.

took my first taxi-cab ride. it was pretty uneventful, but i am glad that i can now say i have rode in a taxi.

since that cab ride we have done alot of walking. our hotel is on the river. the weather and the river are beautiful. i even went for a run this morning and it was glorious because the air was crisp and the scenic view was awesome.

spent alot of time feasting. cute little restaurants. yummy food. we have been shopping, one thing i really miss doing since i have had 3 children. spent alot of time relaxing. it is so weird to sleep through the night. i haven't slept alot the past 5 years, and it's nice to know that even though i have spent the past 5 years waking up numerous times in the night with kids that my body still knows how to sleep all the way through the night. that is comforting to me.

it is nice to spend some alone time with my husband. but after 4 days i am 100% ready to have my babys back. cant wait to go home.