Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You Shouldnt Leave Jessica Home Alone

 Because she will play with scissors.

Once upon a time in land not very far away there lived a beautiful princess named Jessica she had beautiful long curly brown hair. One day Princess Jessica was having a bad hair day so she thought to herself "I bet little girls with cancer would have more fun playing with my hair than I am". So she braided her hair into three braids and then cut them off. Long story short very short. The Braids ended up being 17 inches long and the hair now on Princess Jessica head was longer the day she was born. The hair on her head looked pretty funny so she took her head to hair cut shop and said "help me please". The lady with the scissors seemed very nice but little did Princess Jessica know that the lady with the scissors was actually a wicked witch; that cut some more hair off of Princess Jessica head and now she looks like a boy.

Sorry Jess but laughter is good for people. And this is funny. Maybe just funny to me. I had to share.