Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Documentation

Bodey knocked the camera off the counter. It is sort of broken, meaning I have to hold the batteries in while taking pictures. And even then it still turns off randomly. Therefore I haven't been taking any pictures. Sadness.
Pat is working in Salina this next week, we are all going. The hotel has a pool. Im excited. I dont know why I like swimming so much, Im not even a good swimmer.
Pat made bread today with the bread maker, it turned out really good.
Bodey is sleeping better. Thank the high heavens!
I have a stie or sty or stye however it is spelled. I have a bump on my eye lid. It looks really attractive. (no not really)
Jadyn can now read beginner books like Green Eggs And Ham. She knows a lot of sight words, but still struggles when she has to sound it out.
Jadyn and Maddux continue to play dress up. We added boy things to the dress up clothes, fireman and pirate stuff. Jadyn has just as much fun making him a fireman as she did a princess. I dont know why we didnt add boy clothes a long time ago.
Bodey and Maddux got hair cuts. I loved their long hair, but they were starting to look like mutts. As soon as the lady cut it I was sad though. Bodey looks a lot older. Jadyn was supposed to cut hers too but changed her mind once we got there.