Try to convince the boys they look like girls and that we should cut their hair.
Repeat words numerous times to the boys that mean stop wrestling and messing around and get washed up.
Repeat words numerous times to the boys to stop messing around and wrestling and get in pajamas.
Yell at the boys to get their teeth brushed.
Repeat numerous words to the girl to finish her homework.
Threaten the boys with being grounded.
Sometimes ground them, and then listen to them cry and whine.
Then read them books where they all fight for a spot on my lap. I push them all off and tell them they are suffocating their baby brother. Then they sit as close to me as is possible and laugh at the books. Then we say prayers. Then they beg for more and more books. Then they beg for a drink of water. Then they beg for me or dad to sleep with them. And we turn off lights. And Pat falls asleep in the hallway in between the boys room and the girl room. And I do dishes. And then we do it all again tomorrow night. :) Happy Monday.