Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today a Sunday, Day 1

Day 1 of being alone........

Pat is at the Broncos game with Luke. Im not gonna lie, I am pretty jealous.
I am on the couch with Bodey.
Maddux is asleep on the couch.

Jadyn is singing the songs they must have sung in primary today.

So far day 1 is not to bad. Miss you daddy.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Dreading this next week, Pat has to travel. And Im all alone with 3 kids. Dear friends please come over!

Did you see Spillborghs home run, watch the video on You gotta love the way he runs the bases even if you don't love the Rockies.

I love newborns seriously my mostest favorite stage. The way they smell, their smallness. I love Bodey. He warms my heart.

Last night there were 3 children and a husband sharing my bed--not cool.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jadyn is continually stealing my baby. I turn my back for one second and he's gone. I find him places like this. In bed with Jadyn sucking on her finger and don't forget his giraffe. He can't be without it (according to her)
I ask her if she can get Bodey a diaper. Sure she says. 2 min later I look at Bodey and find this.
I thought it would wear off after the first couple days. But I think she might be obsessed.
She must hold him while watching a movie.
And I keep finding him in the doll crib.
Sometimes I hear her whispering sweet nothings to him. Other things I hear are: "I wouldn't ever drop you or let Maddux hurt you, do you want your giraffe? Oh bodey, bodey"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Giraffe Feeding

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Poor Maddux

New house+ new baby= one confused and angry almost 2 year old. Dear Maddux I really do still love you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So I thought I was marrying some hot baseball player .........

But I think what I married was a complete dork. This is what I found hanging on my kitchen doorway this morning. Jadyn told me it was a fly catcher. What the??? Do you see any flys in it?

This is the note I got on my flowers after Bodey. Hmmmm. Sometimes I wonder. I do love the dork in him though even as much as I love the baseball player.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lets just say, we maybe, kinda, like him.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Some House

I know house pics are not very interesting. Sorry. And I am a really bad picture taker.

This is the family room off the kitchen, it's my favorite room. It has a vaulted ceiling and is the biggest room. There is another one that I am turning into a play room.

Same room different angle.


I think this little breakfast nook is cute. I need to hang some pictures though.

Dining room.

Baby Bodey room. All the walls are light brown except this room which my sister just painted for me! I have wanted to paint a nursery for the longest time and now i finally can. Obviously it is still a work in progress at the moment. Jadyn wants a purple room, but since all the walls are freshly painted, we'll see.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just Perfectly Perfect

Pat just made his first blog (see below) Good job babe. But while I am just sitting here looking at a little piece of heaven I thought I would share him with you. And then there were five!

Jadyn has been waiting a long time for this day! And she was in love! She told him like 50 times how much she loved him. And she had to look at every little body part.
She was even rocking him. Maddux held him for like 3 seconds but unfortunately we didn't get a picture. Surprisingly he seemed to be ok with him. He kept saying Bodey and petting him.

Jadyn kept asking how he got out of my tummy. Pat told her he came out my belly button. :) Pat is sick. :(

He is 5lbs 9oz, 18.5 inches. And he makes my life complete! So glad you joined this family Bodey.

Bodey Colvin

Happy Birthday's!!! Jadyn and Bodey have the same birthday, same birth weight - 5 lbs.9oz., and had the same due date. Pretty crazy. More pictures later, still in the hospital.